Ryan Ng
CAMSTART Social Impact Programme
Ryan Ng is a teenage advocate interested in pursuing interdisciplinary impact across environmental sustainability, social inclusion and smart city development. He firmly believes in amplifying the power of youth voice, facilitating self expression as a pathway to encourage innovation.
In 2015, when he was just 7 years old, his school organized a trip to “重庆市儿童爱心庄园”, an orphanage in Chongqing, China. What he didn’t know was that the trip planted a seed in his mind, on the importance of good design in the world and that design can positively impact children’s mental and physical wellbeing. Since then, awareness and the importance of mental health has always been floating, both consciously and subconsciously, in his mind. Now that he has grown older and knows more than he did before, he feels that it is a responsibility that can be taken on, to use what he has learnt to create a positive impact on mental health of the youth, however big or small that impact may be.
Now in high school, Ryan continues to enrich his personal development through a wide spectrum of engagements, starting with academics. He is competing in the (Weizmann Safe Cracking) competition: a physics and design competition that draws from both curricular and extracurricular knowledge, with the aim to create an interactive puzzle, as challenging as possible. He is participating in (ICE CityZen competition for civil engineering): a two part competition, digitally-as a game format, learning the basics of how to organize and optimize local areas, and as a presentation - to pitch our ideas on how civil engineering can be used to improve local environments. He is also engaged in Sustainable Design/Upcycling, learning how to repurpose and improve the environment in small and larger scales. From an extracurricular perspective, he is a member of CCF (combined cadet force), joined and completed the CAMSTART social impact programme, and presented at UN FAO’s World Food Forum 2022.
If someone asks Ryan what his future beholds, Ryan would answer that he aims to use what he knows and transforms it into a Tech or SaaS solution which makes the lives of those in need, including but not limited to differently abled, elderly, and under-privileged children, more convenient and give back to those who have helped him.