Audrey Lam
ITSD Gold Awardee,
Competitive Latin Dancing
Audrey Lam is an open minded person and a risk taker when it comes to new opportunities, allowing her to develop various interests, both academically and personally.
Growing up, Audrey was exposed to a myriad of activities: from tennis, ice skating, watersports to dance, music, anything you can think of. Her parents always pushed her to take risks and experience things first-hand since “if you’ve never done it, how would you know if you don’t like it?” This motto stayed with Audrey ever since. Throughout her life, she was also allowed to regularly perform dance in charity shows around Hong Kong where she developed her love for helping the community.
Audrey enjoys exploring STEM related subjects, especially mathematics, computer science and economics. She is also a competitive latin dancer with ISTD Gold under her belt and training to take the Gold Star test and beyond in the near future. At her school, she is a student leader for 3 and a member of code for life, a group of students who advocate for higher female participation in the field of computer science by hosting events. She is planning to continue both of these until the end of high school.
In the future, she would like to pursue a career in finance or economics as she has great interest in those fields.